Posted on 29 July 2016 by Kerry-Anne

Get inspired, find your flow, and achieve peak performance. 

Source: @M_tthewJones

CREDIT: Getty Images

We all need a boost from time to time.  While it might be tempting to chug an extra shot of espresso, sometimes the thing we need most is the power of positive thinking.

Looking to thought leaders in mindfulness often inspires us to pause and live more fully in the here and now.  When we are so immersed in the current moment that we forget what's going on around us, we are in a state of flow and peak performance.

Maintaining a state of mindfulness leads to a relaxed state of wellbeing and maximum productivity.

Here are 28 motivating mindfulness quotes to create flow and peak performance:

  1. "Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor." - Thich Nhat Hanh
  2. "Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more." - Mother Teresa
  3. "Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of This Moment." - Rumi
  4. "Every moment is an eminently suitable moment for unlimited profundity--if you allow it to be so." - Adi Da Samraj
  5. "The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha
  6. "The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence." - Jiddu Krishnamurti
  7. "The future is always beginning now." - Mark Strand
  8. "In today's rush, we all think too much--seek too much--want too much--and forget about the joy of just being." - Eckhart Tolle
  9. "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." - William Blake
  10. "Few of us ever life in the present. We are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone." - Louis L'Amour
  11. "The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death." - Osho
  12. "With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment." - Thich Nhat Hanh
  13. "Give your attention to the experience of seeing rather than to the object seen and you will find yourself everywhere." - Rupert Spira
  14. "Suffering usually relates to wanting things to be different than they are." - Allan Lokos
  15. "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Victor Frankl
  16. "Paradise is not a place; it's a state of consciousness." - Sri Chinmoy
  17. "Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." - Buddha
  18. "Observe the space between your thoughts, then observe the observer." - Hamilton Boudreaux
  19. "The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." - Thich Nhat Hanh
  20. "Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it." - Eckhart Tolle
  21. "As the witnessing presence of Awareness, we stand in the background of experience; as the light of pure Knowing, we stand at its heart." - Rupert Spira
  22. "With meditation, you begin to relax in your seat and just watch the movie of life." - Ken Wilber
  23. "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." - Buddha
  24. "To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still." - Jiddu Krishnamurti
  25. "All that is necessary to awaken to yourself as the radiant emptiness of spirit is to stop seeking something different, and to turn your attention inward to the awake silence that you are." - Adyashanti
  26. "He who has freed himself of the disease of 'tomorrow' has a chance to attain what he came here for." - G.I. Gurdjieff
  27. "Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung
  28.  "Watch, witness. Your body is not you; your mind is not you. You are just a pure witness." - Osho

Mindfulness meditation increases your ability to direct awareness to the present moment.  Unobstructed, your focus on the here and now will enable you to find your flow and increase your productivity.

Pick out your favorite quotes and glance at them throughout each day so that you can build a foundation of success and wellbeing, by integrating productivity and a healthy mind.